![elias-Besevegis elias-Besevegis](https://www.theo.ac.cy/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/elias-Besevegis.jpg)
Elias G. Besevegis
Teaching Associate
- Theological School of the Church of Cyprus1-7 Isocratous, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Τel: 22443055
- Fax: 22443050
- Email: e.bezevegkis@theo.ac.cy
Dr. Elias Besevegis holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Rutgers University, NJ, USA. He has been the Head of the Department of Psychology and Director of the Graduate Program in School Psychology, University of Athens. He has taught many courses, both undergraduate and graduate, and has organized several conferences, both Hellenic and International. He has participated in many research projects in collaboration with colleagues from European and American Universities. He is the author of over 70 journal articles, book chapters and books, in Greek and in English. He is the author -or co-author – of psychometric tools and the editor of textbooks and of special journal issues in Psychology.
He is a member of several scientific associations, national and international and has participated in many Psychology Conferences in Greece and abroad.
1983, Ph.D., Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S.A., Specialization: Developmental Psychology
1980, M.Sc., Rutgers University, New Jersey, U.S.A., Specialization: Developmental Psychology
1972, Bachelor, University of Ioannina, School of Philosophy
Developmental Psychology: Development of cognitive and psychosocial characteristics of children and adolescents in the family and the school. Development of temperament and personality in children and adolescents. Adolescent identity.
Development of psychometric tools. Assessment of mental capacities and psychosocial characteristics of children and adolescents.
Children’s and adolescents’ mental health issues: Individual differences in development, Problem behavior of children and adolescents, Stress and coping behavior.
Cross-Cultural Psychology: Culture and adaptation of immigrants in Greece.
Selected Publications:
- Μπεζεβέγκης, Η. & Παυλόπουλος, Β. (2018). Ιεραρχική δομή της παιδικής προσωπικότητας: Μια σειρά ερωτηματολογίων για την αξιολόγηση των ατομικών διαφορών στην ανάπτυξη. Ψυχολογία.
- Seiffge-Krenke, I., Persike, M., Besevegis, E., Chau, C., Guney Karaman, N., Lannegrand-Williams, L., Lubiewska, K., & Rohail, I. (2018). Culture beats gender? The importance of controlling for identity- and parenting-related risk factors in adolescent psychopathology. Journal of Adolescence, 63.
- Schlösser, Ο., Frese, Μ., Heintze, A.-M., Al Najjar, M., Arciszewski, T., Besevegis, E., Bishop, G. D., Bonnes, M., Clegg, C., Drozda-Senkowska, E., Fields, K., Gaborit, M., Garzon, D., Hansen, T., Heszen, I., Jenzer, C., Juhász, M., Keating, M., Mangundjaya, W. H., Mansor, N., Mitchelson, J. K., Ortiz, A., Pandey, J., Passafaro, P., Pavakanun, U., Pavlopoulos, V., Peiró, J. M., Potocnik, K., Restrepo, M. H., Semmer, N. K., Tupinamba, A., Ventura, E. R., Whoolery, M., & Zhang, K. (2013). Humane orientation as a new cultural dimension of the GLOBE project: A validation study of the GLOBE scale and humane orientation in 25 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 44(4), 535-551. DOI: 10.1177/0022022112465671
- Παυλόπουλος, Β., Γεωργαντή, Κ., Μπεζεβέγκης, Η., & Γιαννίτσας, Ν. (2013). Ψυχολογικοί και κοινωνικοψυχολογικοί συσχετιστικοί παράγοντες της ηθικότητας στην εφηβεία: Τυπολογική προσέγγιση. Ψυχολογία, 20(1), 100-120.