Sotirios Despotis
Visiting Professor
- Theological School of the Church of Cyprus
1-7 Isocratous, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus - Τel: 00306944761684
- Fax: 00357 22 443 050
- Email: sotdespo@soctheol.uoa.gr
I was born in Athens in 1968. Studies at the Department of Theology in 1990. Postgraduate studies in Greece and in Mainz, Germany. Simultaneous studies in Byzantine Music at Skalkota Conservatory – member and soloist of the Greek Byzantine Choir.
In 1999 I was awarded a Doctor of Theology with the thesis “Heavenly Worship in the Apocalypse. 4-5”. 1996-2001 I taught the course of Orthodox religious studies in German Schools in the state of Hessen and compiled the detailed Teaching Programs for the same course. Since 2001 I am Professor at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, focusing on the Interpretation of the New Testament and at the Hellenic Open University the module ΟΡΘ50 «The Historical Course of the Orthodox Church and Theology in the Wider Religious and Cultural Environment (Late Antiquity – 18th century) ». I am a member of the International and European Union of New Testament Scholars, and I have published articles in German and English. Publication list at http://www.soctheol.uoa.gr/sotdespo.htm & https://en-uoa-gr.academia.edu/SotiriosDespotis
Selected publications
- Ιερά Ευαγγέλια. Το Μήνυμα της Καινής Διαθήκης στο Σύγχρονο Άνθρωπο. Αθήνα: Έννοια 2017
- Σπουδή στην Παύλεια Θεολογία.Αθήνα: Έννοια 2017
- Βίβλος και Παιδαγωγικές Εφαρμογές. Η ιστορική πορεία του Ιησού Χριστού ως μοντέλο ζωής. Αθήνα : Έννοια 2019.
- Ο Ευαγγελιστής Ιωάννης. Σπουδή στην Ιωάννεια Γραμματεία. Αθήνα: Έννοια 2017.
- Ποιμαντικές Επιστολές – Α’ προς Τιμόθεον, Αθήνα: Έννοια 2018.
- Das Evangelium als Hörgeschehen, Orthodoxes Forum 20(2006) 181-193.
- Die Seefahrtperikope (Apostelgeschichte 27,1-28,10), Orthodoxes Forum24:2 (2010) 153-160.
- Paul of Acts and the Strategic of his MÖkumene ist keine Häresie. Theologische Beiträge zu einer ökumenischen Kultur. Tübingen: Brill 2021, 562-580.
- Mimesis – Doxologie Begründungsformen frühchristlicher und antiker Ethik Kontexte und Normen neutestamentlicher Ethik / Contexts and Norms of New Testament Ethics Band VII Herausgegeben von Ulrich Volp, Friedrich W. Horn und Ruben Zimmermann Tübingen 2016; 355-374
- Die himmlische Liturgie (Apk. 4-5) in ihrem Kontext und die Interaktion mit der irdischen Liturgie “Poetik und Intertextualität in der Apokalypse / Poetics and Intertextuality in the Book of Revelation” (WUNT I; Mohr Siebeck; ed. by Tobias Nicklas, Stefan Alkier & Thomas Hieke). 437-457.
- Philosophical Ethics and Christian Ethics, in A. Antonopoulos and S. Despotis, Long Standing Principles of Eastern Orthodox Christian Theology, engl. trans. by A. Antonopoulos (Patrai, GR.: Hellenic Open University Publications, 2015) 157-230.
- Gal 3:6-9.23-29: Orthodox Readings of the Relevant Pauline Texts with Regard to the Debate between the Old and the New Perspectives. Participation, Justification and Conversion Eastern Orthodox Interpretation of Paul and the Debate between Old and New Perspectives on Paul(Hgg. A. Despotis), Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck 2017, 181-205.
- Google Scholar http://scholar.uoa.gr/sotdespo/biocv , http://scholar.uoa.gr/sotdespo/presentations
- Academia Edu en-uoa-gr.academia.edu/SotiriosDespotis