Protopresbyter Socratis Andreou
Academic Associate
- Theological School of the Church of Cyprus
1-7 Isocratous, 1016, Nicosia, Cyprus - Τel.: 00357 22 443055
- Fax: 00357 22 443050
- Email: s.andreou@theo.ac.cy
Father Sokratis Andreou holds a PhD in Theology from the Theological School of the Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki. He is scientific associate of the Theological School of the Church of Cyprus and teaches a spring semester elective course, entitled “Topics of Ecclesiastical Linguistics and Patristic Theology”. He has recently completed and published his postdoctoral research on Patristic texts of Early Byzantine Literature. He teaches the elective course: “Issues of Ecclesiastical Literature and Patristic Theology”. He is also a special teaching scientist at the Department of Education Sciences of the University of Cyprus. His recent research interests are related to Byzantine literature and Christian Philosophy.
Post PhD Theology, Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, 2021PhD in Theology, Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, 2017Master of Theology, Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, 2011Degree of Theology, Aristotelio University of Thessaloniki, 2008
Research Interests:
Patristic Theology: Is a field of research and study that I raised to high levels already in the undergraduate curriculum. Continuous involvement and immersion in my postgraduate and doctoral studies.
Dogmatic Theology: issues of Patristic Theology, as patristic expression and life is imprinted and defined through doctrine and faith in the Triune God.
Pastoral Theology: research and study of patristic texts with a view to, first; applying the liveliness of fatherly speech and the truth of the evangelical act in the life of fathers to priestly and pastoral duties, and second; further understanding the momentum to the theological and existential concerns of our fellow human beings.
Byzantine Literature and Christian Philosophy: Patristic theology is inextricably related to philosophical expression and thought. The same is true of Byzantine literature, where the largest percentage of Byzantine literary production comes from ecclesiastical writers, officials, fathers, and scholars. Most fathers and ecclesiastical writers studied philosophy, became great orators, and used its methodology, logic, and expressive dynamics as a means for more effective and scientific treatment of various problems: existential, ontological, ethical etc.
Selected publications:
“The monastic experience in the literature of 5th, 6th, 7th centuries: The collections of ascetic texts. Grammatical and Theological approach”
“Spiritual improvements and the eight passions in the writings of abba Cassian the Roman”.
“Nature and Thinking according to saint Maximos the Confessor”.